Lean Inside: 7 Steps To Personal Power


Lean Inside: 7 Steps To Personal Power

If the badge of business or same old complaints have you exhausted and running on empty, this simple guidebook to transformation is just the refreshment you need. Having spent their first 35 years as a woman and a decade a coach, Jay Pryor shares from both a personal and professional perspective to help women access their true inner power. Their courage and vulnerability allow readers to access those qualities within themselves. Their simple, straightforward steps and loving and humorous tone make this an easy to read and apply resource for creating the life of your dreams.


This book will open your eyes to the unconscious patterns, beliefs, and limitations you create in your life, and give you the tools to transform them. Based on their successful seminar series for women, these 7 steps can be applied to any area of life. Participants have lost weight, revitalized marriages, created successful businesses, and found the courage to let go of whatever was holding them back in life.


Lean Inside guides women to connect to their higher SELF to overpower their SMALL inner voices of inadequacy, comparison, guilt and scarcity that say they can’t have the life they want. This book once and for all puts the “shoulds” away and focuses on aligning with your higher purpose and vision.


Jay's experience of successful personal coaching shines through each page, reaching out to help each reader reconnect to their own inner journey and to recommit to believing in and bringing the best of themselves to each day.

foreword from my friend, Pam Grout:

I’d like to start this foreword with a “Thank ya, Jesus.” Here’s why: I LOVE Jay Pryor with all my heart. they’re part of my power posse. I’ve done their “Lean Inside” workshop. I consider them a close friend. So I would have endorsed this book no matter what.

I’m so grateful that I can actually use one of Jay’s principles (“Stay in integrity”) and say with a straight face, “This is a damned good book.” In fact, I’m kinda mad. I’ve always loved Jay’s talks. Pretty much everything that drops out of their mouth is inspiring, funny, and makes you want to be a better person. Because I, too, want to be an “inspiring speaker” and my B.S. (Belief System—you’ll see, keep reading) tells me that I’m not quite there yet, I’ve always rationalized with “Well, Jay is a fabulous speaker, but I’m a fabulous writer.” Now, I have to admit that “Jay is ALSO a fabulous writer.” Damn it! Not that I’m comparing or anything.

The main thing you need to know about Jay is they smoke what they sell. they don’t just spout out a bunch of high-falutin’ principles. tHey live this stuff with their heart and soul. For that reason alone, you gotta read this book. Thank you, Jay, for letting me do just that—before everybody else gets their grubby paws on it.

Like Jay, this book is real, it’s inspiring and it has the power to transform lives.

–Pam Grout

#1 New York Times bestselling author of E-Squared, E-Cubed, and 15 other books

What People Are Saying About Lean Inside: The Book

"In Lean Inside: 7 Steps to Personal Power Jay provides the framework to transform your attitude and your life. Jay doesn't have the answers, more importantly they have the questions. Questions that have you do work that will open up your heart, mind, and spirit to take you on a journey of personal power and SELF love. Two of the most valuable parts of the book for me where the practice of "progress, not perfection" and taking the time to answer the question "what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?".ᅠ The two of them together, have given me the freedom to explore what it would take to create a community kitchen/free restaurant while simultaneously putting my best effort into my current position at a newly opened food co-op. There is power in dreaming big and making the most of what you have now. " 

Jen Wenschhof, Finance/HR Manager, Holistic Health Coach


"Jay Pryor is the real deal. Jay is the coach executives hire when they need tools for harnessing their imagination, leveling-up their game, tuning in to the person they want to be and waking up to their own higher power. Jay's guiding voice (sometimes playful and irreverent and sometimes tough-loving and exactly what you need to hear) has helped me forge my own path in work and life. I’m so grateful Jay's book and transformational work is now accessible to the world."

Kathleen Shannon, Braid Creative & Consulting & Being Boss Podcast


"Jay Pryor's raw, honest, deep sharing, written in his authentic conversational style prose, in their first ( I hope there will be more) book Lean Inside: 7 Steps to Personal Power opened my heart and reminded me that no matter how daunting life can appear, I have the power within me to move forward.
Jay's ten years of successful personal coaching shone through each page, not as an overbearing drill sergeant, but as a wise friend, reaching out to help each reader reconnect to their own inner journey and to recommit to believing in and bringing the best of themselves to each day.
This book is too good to rush through.  Take your time with this insightful coach, do the practical application work, and receive your gift, which is the very best of you.  The world is waiting!! Boundless Blessings"

 Rev. Edna Mosher, Unity Minister, Lawrence, KS


"Jay Pryor is one of the most insightful and authentic people I know. Read this book just to get to know them. Then use their 7 steps to find your authentic voice and reach your most abundant dreams. "

MK Mueller, Author of 8 to Great: The Powerful Process for Positive Change

"Lean Inside: 7 Steps to Personal Power is full of straightforward wisdom on living a more purposeful life. But Jay requires that you gently but certainly take responsibility for yourself. Their book walks you through the process of being honest about what self-limiting beliefs stand between you and your best self and guides you to walking a more empowered path. It's a quick read, but you will surely go back to it again and again for affirmation, encouragement and reminders. A must read for women ready to get out of their own way."

  Erin Brown, Author, Activist